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5 ways to clear your mind

Updated: Nov 29, 2021

Replaying the same thoughts over and over in your head is known as rumination. Research shows that rumination can be harmful in many ways, and that being able to clear your mind from the negative practice is an important skill.

KNOW your mind is just an organ and not who you are, its job is to think. It cannot stop thinking just like your heart can’t stop beating. Become the observer of the mind so you can slow it down, create more positive thoughts and not be as emotionally triggered by the thoughts.

How? IMAGINE Going into your mind and seeing an elevator door. By the elevator door there is a basket on a table. Put all your beliefs about yourself, all your worries, fears, thoughts of the past and future in the basket. Don’t worry, you can get them back on the way out. Enter the elevator and take it down to your heart area and enter your heart space. Now take 3 slow breaths, breathing in 5 seconds and out 5 seconds as you feel the body, face, shoulders, arms, legs, and feet totally relaxing.

Now FEEL a regenerating emotion of gratitude, compassion, caring, and love. (Think of a time you were so proud or grateful or think of an animal you love which creates a blissful feeling).

Now, from this space, OBSERVE, your thoughts without judging them, without attaching to them, without believing in them. Next, put your thoughts in a cloud and let them PASS by! Do not get in the cloud with them! Let the thoughts go as you relax back into your heart space where you are safe and cannot be threatened. Don’t worry if your thoughts get loud again, that’s what they do.

"Your job is to be the observer without judging or attaching and sending them away in the passing cloud."

Our thoughts are inconsistent, unreliable, and unpredictable which is proven by them changing consistently with no change in your life. True? So, you, your higher self needs to run the show from your heart. Your mind is like a child, it needs your supervision.

FEELING completely relaxed and knowing who you really are which is your higher self not your thoughts or emotions, know you can come here anytime and regenerate yourself and clear your mind. Its time to get back in the elevator and rise up to your mind. As you get out of the elevator go ahead and pick up all the things you put in the basket if you choose?

"Go in PEACE and have a great day! -Cheri Kreitzmann, MS, LPC"

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