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Now Enrolling for Summer Programs
All of our programs are designed to help individuals living with mental illness to find different ways to cope when they are going into a panic attack or meltdown. We are so excited about the summer programs we have planned. This summer, we will be baking with an award-winning baker and growing a garden! We also will be learning about herbs and essential oils. We also will ask each warrior we have that has decided to join our summer programs what else they would like to do. Food, fun, and safe space are provided at each program. We are excited to have you or your youth with us this summer! We also will be having game days! We are so excited about this years opportunities for our youth!
Every year we look forward to adding more programs for individuals living with mental illness. The more volunteers and therapists we get to volunteer, the more programs we will have, so if you know anyone that would be interested in volunteering their time, please have them sign up HERE.
Prefer to print out the registration and mail it in? CLICK HERE